“You are helping so many women around you everyday. It’s a true gift you have. Breastfeeding is hard and it’s not something you can just talk to anyone about...most people just don’t understand. It means a lot to have someone that understands and is so knowledgable.”
— Kim A.

Happy Clients


Stephanie is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to breastfeeding. As a first time mom, I was clueless about breastfeeding and was dealing with oversupply, overactive let down and an improper latch - I honestly had no idea what those things even were at the time. Stephanie was knowledgeable, kind, understanding and supportive. She was always eager to help. I never once hesitated to reach out to her. She has even helped me with our baby’s sleep struggles! In addition to her personal help, Stephanie helped me find the resources and community I needed. I successfully breastfed my first baby for 15 months and Stephanie definitely helped me get there! Now I’m breastfeeding baby #2 and it has been a much better experience because I had to knowledge and resources I needed from the first time around. I can’t say enough great things about Stephanie!!

— Sarah C.

Stephanie Leonetti has been a wonderful guide to me throughout both of my breastfeeding journeys. Her passion and knowledge combined helped me during the early days of getting the latch correct and understanding my overactive letdown. She gave me the tools and reinstated my confidence when I was discouraged. Always grateful to have such an amazing coach by my side to give both my children and myself an unforgettable experience that I treasure every day. She is a true asset and has found her calling.

— Tara D.


I am going to try my best to put into words what Stephanie has done for me, but the truth is, no words could ever explain it.

My daughter Sabina was born 2 weeks and 1 day over due at 6:10am on a Monday morning after laboring since Saturday evening and being induced Sunday evening. No sleep, back to back contractions, water broke, originally unwanted but necessary epidural, fully dilated but no baby! Emergency c-section and we finally got to meet our perfect girl!

None of this was in my plan and so when Sabina was taken to the Nicu and had to be given formula, barely given chances for skin to skin and nursing, I was devastated. Of course I was happy she was getting healthy but my beliefs and values were getting crushed! Luckily with a mom and sister-in-law who breastfed, I had support in my conviction to continue nursing Sabina no matter what anyone said.

After 4 days, we arrived home with a nipple shield and formula. My husband was supportive but confused, he just wanted Sabina to be happy and healthy, when I laid down, he gave her formula just like the Nicu had taught him. More crushing.

My mom reached out to Steph for me as I grew up with Steph and she knew that with her personal experience and knowledge she’d be the perfect person for me to talk to, and she couldn’t have been more right.

Steph spoke with me over the phone, texted with me through the night, and even visited me!She was able to not only provide knowledgeable breastfeeding information, but empower me to trust my instincts! Where I had doubts, Steph helped me process and weed out what was my insecurity and what was real.

Without Steph I wouldn’t have known to have Sabina evaluated for tongue and lip tie, wouldn’t have done all the research in one day (she literally talked me through every step of the way), wouldn’t have had Sabina revised as she was a level 4 on both, and wouldn’t have dropped the nipple shield which was really inhibiting breastfeeding/Sabinas ability to transfer milk. All of this were causing Sabina slow weight gain and It wouldn’t have been long before the pressure to give her formula would have been on.

I am so eternally grateful to Steph for helping me preserve such a sacred and important part of my relationship with my daughter and I turn every Mom who’s trying to breastfeed her way!

What I love most about Steph is that with all her knowledge and experience, she remains humble. She is down to Earth, humorous, and does not judge at all. She is passionate about breastfeeding but if a Mom is ready to stop, she doesn’t pressure, she is still caring and kind! She believes in breastfeeding for babies but she believes most in providing correct education along with love and support to Moms, something we need more of!

-Brigid F.


Stephanie is wonderful! She truly listens and gives suggestions that work. She is incredibly reassuring and it is evident that she really understands not only breastfeeding but also the mother-baby bond and just how difficult parenting (motherhood) can be! I’ve relied on her a ton and this is my 3rd baby! Stephanie is compassionate, knowledgable, and great to work with!”

— Kate L.

Stephanie helped me so much during my times with breastfeeding my babies. She has so much knowledge, so much patience, and so much understanding in this field. She gave me assurance and wonderful advice when I was at a my lowest points, and I was so grateful for that. I highly recommend her to any new mom and any experienced mom, because she helped me at both points! Thank you, Stephanie, for being an amazing advocate for lactation consultation!  

— Francesca M.

With the latching advice and videos then the guidance and instructions for mastitis treatment you were a HUGE help! Your endless knowledge and passion for breastfeeding is amazing. I highly recommend Steph to any mamas out there struggling with breastfeeding or just in need of some support, encouragement, advice or tips. Thanks again Steph!

— Jennifer J.


After I had my first daughter in 2017, breastfeeding was a nightmare, but I was determined to stick with it. At the time, I was reluctant to seek help because I was anxious about leaving home with the baby. Steph offered to come to my home to help me, even though she had two young children of her own. Steph continued to be available to me through many phone calls and texts, and by sharing helpful resources. I ended up successfully breastfeeding my first daughter for 18 months. Fast forward 2.5 years and I was breastfeeding my second daughter. This time with a little more confidence but similar painful latch issues. I immediately sought Steph’s advice, but since we were in a global pandemic, we couldn’t meet in person. Steph knew exactly what to look for and asked me to send pictures and videos from which she was able to offer guidance, or just reassurance that everything looked right. I’m currently still breastfeeding my second daughter and still reach out to Steph any time I have a question because I know that she is not only extremely knowledgeable, but someone I can trust. I am so grateful to have had her support through both of my breastfeeding experiences!

-Alicia p.

I can not recommend Stephanie enough, she got me through one of the hardest periods in my life. Being a first time mom to a fresh newborn was stressful and scary enough but add in my body not producing breast milk, it was 10x harder. Thankfully I was blessed to cross paths with Stephanie, she went above and beyond to help my breastfeeding journey go as smooth as possible even with my low milk supply situation. She even went out of her way to let me borrow her brand new breast pump to see if that brand of pump would work better for me. She helped me understand that not every woman’s body works the same and that it does not make me any less of a woman that I couldn’t exclusively breast feed. I truly felt inadequate as a mother during those first few weeks and Stephanie worked diligently to help me with not only the physical breastfeeding aspect but also support me emotionally as a fellow mother! I was only able to breastfeed for 3 months before my son weened himself because of lack of supply but I know I would not have made it through those 3 months without her!

— Brittany W.


The outpouring of time, talent, thought, love, support, and education that Steph provides is a gift that I will treasure for the rest of my life. I will forever be grateful for the experience of breastfeeding both of my children, which I credit to the encouragement and knowledge shared by Steph. She is wealth of information, delivered in such a caring, thoughtful manner, like the most graceful hug a new mom needs.

-Monica D.


I was in need of a lactation consultant with in home consultation services. Stephanie exceeded my expectations. She provided me with the tools, education, and emotional support to help me overcome the challenges of breastfeeding. Everyday I am more and more confident with breastfeeding my newborn thanks to Steph.

-Michelle V.

Steph was amazing when I reached out after my son had lip and tongue tie release. She helped virtually walk through what I needed to do to get him to keep breastfeeding. She singlehandedly saved me to continue to do this after not knowing where to turn when he wouldn’t latch. I would highly recommend her!

-Dana B.


Stephanie was so helpful with a plan to get through this rough patch with feeding my son. She was very intuitive and pinpointed exactly what was going on. She listened to my concerns and supported me throughout this hiccup. Stephanie left making me feel confident and calmer about the plan going forward. I would highly recommend her to support you throughout your journey.



As a first time mom, I took a few courses on breastfeeding and really thought it would come natural and be easy for both me and my baby. Boy was I wrong! I was referred to Stephanie by a friend of mine who highly recommended her and after working together the past 3 months, it was the best decision I could have made. Breastfeeding is hard! I first met with Stephanie virtually before having the baby and she went over a ton of helpful information such as when to feed the baby after birth, how to latch the baby, nursing positions, hunger cues, etc. She also asked me what my goals were and answered any questions I had. A few days after I had the baby, she came over for an in-house visit. I was a mess. I was in so much pain from feeding my baby in the hospital and I had pretty bad damage already just days after giving birth. We found out that my baby had a tongue tie along with pretty much all of the symptoms that comes with them which made breastfeeding very painful for me and difficult for my baby (I also have to note that Stephanie was the only person to correctly identify her tongue tie). I quickly learned that despite all of the classes and courses I took, I was clueless about breastfeeding. Stephanie taught me how to latch the baby properly, showed me different nursing positions and how to use my pump, did a weighted feed so I knew the baby was getting enough to eat, and so much more. She had great referrals for the baby's tongue tie revision and for body work to help with tightness and latching. As my milk came in, I was dealing with an oversupply and a fast letdown which again made it difficult for my baby. Stephanie worked with me through all of the issues that came up and has been incredibly supportive throughout my breastfeeding journey. Whenever I had questions or problems (clogged ducts, milk blister), she was so quick to respond and always with such a thorough response. She has taught me SO much about breastfeeding. She's incredibly passionate about what she does and extremely knowledgeable. Whether you want to breastfeed, exclusively pump, bottle feed, formula, or a combination, she will support your goals and really listen to you. She helped me through some of the most difficult days when I felt like I was failing as a mom. I would 1000% recommended meeting with Stephanie if you are thinking about breastfeeding! Added bonus - not only is she amazing at what she does but she always had me and my husband cracking up!

-Katie M.


Stephanie is passionate about her work and helping women. I wish I had reached out to her earlier than I did because after the first meeting I felt relieved. I was not able to get my son to latch correctly and I had been in a lot of pain prior to contacting Stephanie. She is also extremely knowledgeable but open to listening and creating a care plan that works best for you. You will not feel that she uses the same care plan for every client nor does she try and fit all of her clients into specific boxes. She is not judgmental and she has a gentle, caring approach to her. I'm so thankful she decided to go into this line of work because she is helping so many women.

-Megan Z.

As a new mom, you are flooded with information on how to take care of your newborn that it is hard to find your groove in the first few weeks, if at all. I knew I wanted to speak with a Lactation Consultant and I had heard great things about Stephanie’s work and had been following along her Instagram account prior to my baby being born. It was a no brainer to reach out to her for her help and I am beyond glad I did. She not only reiterated my natural abilities as a mother, helping to grow my confidence, but she supplied me with tools to be successful as I continue on my breast feeding journey. Even after our consultation, she continued to be an outlet I could bounce ideas off of. I highly recommend anyone wanting to breastfeed their baby to utilize Stephanie to aid in their journey!

-Amanda D.


After my newborn had a frenotomy she wouldn't latch. Stephanie came to my home the same day I called, and worked with me until my baby would nurse. She was so calming and supportive, and immediately turned my frustration and distress into hope. My daughter has been successfully breastfeeding since Stephanie's first visit. I cannot thank her enough!

-Caillie R.

I'm so thankful I found Stephanie to help me on my breastfeeding journey. She is incredibly thorough and thoughtful, was wonderful with my son, and helped me shape a plan to suit my situation and my baby's needs. I feel so much better and more confident breastfeeding after just two home visits with Stephanie, and it's comforting to know she is always available to answer any questions I might have moving forward. I highly recommend seeking her expertise if you are looking for a Lactation Consultant.

-Adrianna D.

Steph was absolutely fantastic to work with - and continue to work with. I worked with other lactation consultants who were stiff, judgmental and stand-offish and Steph was the complete opposite. She is friendly, warm, compassionate and personal and I felt she really took the time to get to know me, my baby and our situation. She is extremely knowledgeable and provided guidance on so much. And during my home visit she also made me laugh and just reassured me that I was doing a good job. As a first-time mom, I was extremely grateful for it all. Would highly recommend Steph to anyone who needs help or support during their breastfeeding journey!!

-Alex D.

Working with Steph was so helpful. Not only is she incredibly knowledgeable and passionate but she really tailors her comments and thoughts to you and your baby. Her care plan was more thorough than anything I have received in my pregnancy and beyond journey! I wouldn’t have had the confidence to keep going if it were not for Steph.

-Anna W.

Stephanie is a life saver! The first few days of having a newborn are filled with joy and wonder but also pain, confusion, and so many contradicting recommendations/opinions. Stephanie was able to give me and my family the guidance we needed to lift the fog and navigate this new adventure with confidence. My first meeting with her was virtual and the second in person. I loved the virtual meeting because the day I contacted her, she wanted to make time immediately to start helping us. The very next day we were able to chat, and even from a video call I felt so well informed, supported, and confident in what I needed to work on. A few days later (to allow time for my baby’s frenectomy procedure to heal) we had an in-home visit. Stephanie was able to help me and my family so much, not just with feeding but with positioning, diaper changing, setting routines, and more! It was so convenient having her come to the comfort of our home. The best part for me was the constant encouragement she gave. It’s been difficult trying to be great at something I’ve never done before, and mentally that can get to you! So to hear from a professional that you’re doing everything your baby needs of you, I don’t even have the words - it was wonderful. I have already recommended Simply Nursing to expecting friends, and plan to contact Stephanie again for future children! Thank you so much Stephanie!


Stephanie was very easy to talk to and VERY informative. She empathized with me and gave me lots of reassurance. Would for sure recommend to someone else in the depths of breastfeeding issues!

-Mandi R.

I couldn't have asked for a better consultant! Stephanie was very professional, knowledgeable, and kind. Meeting with professionals, especially as a first time mom, is very stressful because you want the best for your baby. Stephanie made me feel very comfortable and it was easy to talk to her. I appreciate the gentle manner she had when working with my baby boy. She listened to my concerns, answered my crazy questions and provided great advice and suggestions. Based on her suggestions, I was able to make the appropriate changes to help my baby with his tongue tie. I loved working with her and would definitely recommend her to anyone I know.

-Chrystal T.

Thank you so much for all of your help! You are professional, kind, and make me so comfortable. I feel so much more confident on my breastfeeding journey.

-Alexa W.

Stephanie is simply amazing. She is knowledgeable, compassionate, and empathetic.

-Mariel M.

Stephanie is truly a life saver!! I suffered from an oversupply and forceful let down make it hard to feed by daughter!! She set me up with the best plan for us a both! I have been able to continue breastfeeding which I was not able to do with my first child due to my oversupply! I also love knowing I can reach out to her at anytime with concerns and she will get back to me!

-Justine A.

At first I was nervous about having Stephanie come to the house. As a first time mom I was worried, maybe I was breastfeeding all wrong. As soon as Stephanie arrived I immediately felt comfortable with her. It felt as if I had known her for years and was hanging out with a friend! She answered all of my questions even if they were “silly” without making me feel awkward. She also confirmed my son did indeed have a tongue tie that was affecting him like I had thought! My pediatrician had told me it “mild” but my mom instinct told me otherwise. After Stephanie left my house I felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. She gave me the confidence to know I was doing things “right” and was advocating for my son. I would highly recommend Stephanie to anyone no matter what your situation is!!

-Meghan E.

Stephanie has been a blessing. Breastfeeding has been a challenge for me and my newborn. She has been able to listen to my concerns and provide an individualized care plan for me. She also listens and truly cares about her clients, she wants what is best for you and your baby. I am truly grateful for her services, it has made me feel more confident as a new mother.

-Catherine H.